Post-Jam: Version 1.1.0
Hello everyone!
Thank you to all the people that have been playing the game so far! With the suggestions and positive feedback me (Lotosos) and Bigodes have been receiving, we decided to properly complete the game and polish it. So in this version we are fixing the main bugs and improving the game quality of life. Here is the changelog:
[New Features]
- Buffs and Debuffs
Added Buffs and Debuffs display for both parties in the game. This way it is possible to verify the Buffs and Debuffs that are active for each party. The Buffs are displayed first, followed by the Debuffs, and will have a stack number on the top left corner of the card. This number will change based on the quantity of buffs/debuffs of a specific type.
- Turn Details
Added window to show the last two turn details and the current turn. These details contain information about all the events that happened for the parties in a specific turn.
- Deck Cards and Stats Details.
Added a tooltip to the deck card and the stats. In this tooltip, the title and the description of a card is displayed to the player, in order to show the details. It was also added to the stat icons to give more information about each stat.
[Other Features and Improvements]
- Added a pause menu, with two volume sliders.
- Added a small timeout before displaying the cards when rolling the dice.
- Added hovering and clicking animations to the interface buttons.
- Added new icons and sounds to the existant cards.
- Added new cards.
- Added a specific PvP end game panel, instead of the panel used against the AI.
- Added an entry animation to the end game panel.
- Changed some of the cards stats to make them less overpowered.
- Changed the tutorial button text to be 'Tutorial' instead of 'About'.
- Changed the tutorial text to be more clear and concise.
- Changed the style and the color pallete of the main menu interface.
- Changed the number of rerolls location to be displayed next to the reroll button.
- Improved the AI system.
- Improved the code performance and quality.
[Bugs Fixed]
- Fixed the Disarm and Silence cards, which were not working.
- Fixed a bug in the healing system, which was giving too much heal.
- Fixed a bug where the sound volume slider value did not match the actual sound volume, when starting the game for the first time.
- Fixed a bug where the game would not end when the Player 2 lost in the PvP game mode.
- Fixed a bug where the reroll button click sound was not working until the number of rerolls left was zero.
[Future Work]
For the next version we expect to:
- Add more cards, sounds & icons.
- Add new difficulties.
- Add after-game statistics
- Do more user interface improvements.
Thanks again for all your support, stay tuned for the next update! Until there, take care!
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